Welcome to the Community Connectors digital toolkit.

Top tips, ideas, support and everything you need to start creating positive projects in your neighbourhood.

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“Everyone seems closer. Residents seem happier and know they have someone to talk to and support each other - it feels like a proper community which is amazing!“

-Community Connector, Dover


What is a
Community Connector?

A Community Connector is a resident that cares about their estate and neighbours and wants to make a positive difference. They may have lived on their estate for decades or may have moved in just last week! There is no experience or knowledge required - just motivation to make a positive impact on your estate.

Community Connectors are caring and inspiring individuals who aren’t afraid of a challenge! They work well with others as they often work in a team with other residents to plan and organise events and projects.


What is a Digital Toolkit?

This Digital Toolkit is a website with ALL the information and training you will need to become a Community Connector.

You will find advice on how to plan a project, how to access funding and how to get your neighbours on board - plus so much more! We have also provided resources to help you with all aspects of planning and putting together your project,e We will be hosting online sessions where you can meet other residents and get information and advice on the funding and support available from Southern 360.

Growing Your

Being a Community Connector is all about making connections in your neighbourhood, so we really encourage you to find neighbours on your estate who might want to join you and set up a group together. 

Some of the most successful projects have been created by groups of residents, many hands make light work after all. And what you can achieve as a group is likely to have a far greater impact than if you were to go it alone. It is also a great way to get to know your neighbours better!

Covid-19 and Social Distancing

At time of writing, the UK government has put in place a lockdown. This of course influences what sort of projects can and cannot go ahead on your estate.

An up to date list of what the current rules are can be found here: Government Guidelines. We recommend checking these often, especially when deciding on your projects.

Although we are no longer allowed to meet in groups this doesn’t mean that certain projects can’t go ahead - it’s a challenge but an opportunity to think creatively! What can unite your neighbours, without bringing them together physically?  What would a digital art workshop look like? Or a cooking session? For some, these rules might mean they are able to access things they wouldn’t normally be able to attend.— Quote Source